Consequently, in honor of my conservative friends, I'm going to adopt a totally new style in my household. The time of free lunches, as these friends keep reminding me, is over. As a result, I'm coming out with a new list of fees related to entertainment at our humble abode.
First, since I'm busting my ass redoing my home, I feel it's only fair that people who enjoy the place should pay their fair share. The cover charge for just showing up now is $5 per head. If it's a scheduled event, the fee is waived. No one under 25 is welcome (I just threw that in to be mean).
Also, the free booze is over. All wine will be $8+ per glass, or a flat fee of $20+ per bottle, depending on vintage. After all, going to the liquor store burns gas and my time, not to mention the corking and decanting and an amortized amount for the wine glasses, which at our house, have a short life expectancy. If wine is brought to the party, there will be a minor $4 corking fee. All mixed drinks are $10 each. Beers are $6.
There will be new fees to use the swimming pool, as well. You may purchase a $20 pass for all-day use, or pay by the hour @ $8 per hour. It will not matter if you use the pool or not, only that you are by the pool, dressed in swimming attire. This applies both to the pool and the hot tub area as well. Chaise lounge rentals are available for $3 per hour. Towels are $2 a day. My conservative friends are absolutely right (pun intended), I have to cover the cost for the pool equipment maintenance, chemicals, utilities, daily cleaning, etc.
Meals. If the parties participate in the food provisions, there will be a review and if it's an equal portion for the meal, no fees apply. Use of the gas grille is to be billed at $10 per hour. Damn, Steffi and I worked for that and we're not about to just give away grille time to people who didn't work for it. Meals prepared by us will be $25 per head.
Card playing will require a $5 fee to play. Cards aren't free and neither was the table we're playing on.
Looking at our flowers will be a nominal $1 per look. It took a lot of money and sweat to get them looking this way.
Wii games are $4 each time the person plays. Watching our television is $2.50 per head per hour.
A glass of water is $.50. My water bill was over $100 last month.
Music is free, unless the party requests a specific recording, which will be $.10 per song.
To sit by a fire in the winter (firewood's not cheap) is $.50 per hour.
Bathroom use: included in the cover charge.
Well, I guess that just about covers it. I can't believe I have been so blind. Things we work for do cost time and money so why just give it away to others who didn't work for it?
On the other hand, the tongue in my cheek is getting tired and I don't really believe any of this nonsense, anyway.