Waking up to temperatures in the 40's in May, in Atlanta, is weird. The snow in April was strange enough but something tells me that the furor over global warming is more media hype than science. I have studied the issue, though without a background in science or climatology.
A hundred million years ago the dinosaurs roamed a steamy planet. 25 million years ago the glaciers began to recede and began the current epochal climate trends. Now, with merely a hundred years of competent weather data, and a handful of new scientific investigations, some have concluded that mankind is wrecking the planet. Instead, it could be reasonably assumed that we are merely in the groove of what started 25 million years ago. At least to me and hundreds of scientists. But that won't sell newspapers.
This reminds me of the population explosion fears that gripped the headlines a few decades ago. Until, one poor soul like myself realized that you could fit every single human being on the planet in a 2' x 2' square in Jacksonsville, Florida. It kind of died down after that. It appears that we filthy humans are not spilling over into the oceans after all.
But, alas, those we elect get bored and can't resist the temptation to meddle with nature. After Al Gore & Company got through with the mania over CHFC's in the air conditioning industry, which cost us all billions of dollars and untold heartache, it is widely thought that the efforts to change air conditioning freon was a foolhardy mistake. But these are the days of panic over how we all are stupid destroyers of the perfect planet and only now are being led by the few visionaries into the promised land.
In fact, the earth is an incredibly resilient creation. After visiting the Northwestern portion of the United States last month, more specifically the Washington State / British Columbia area, it dawned on me one day in surveying its magnificent beauty, that Mt. St. Helens had erupted only a few years ago, spewing more dust into the air than all our cars put together. Today, there is little sign climatically that it ever happened.
I suppose with government and the media fanning the proverbial flames of this issue, we will all be living greener lives. Some of that is good for the economy so I say, let it snow.
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